Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Arujan's Wives - answer to the quiz

Arjuna had three wives besides Draupadi.

1) Chitrangada - the princess of Manipur. Their son was named Babruvahana.
2) Uloopi - a Naga (serpent) princess. Her son with Arjuna was called Iravan. She also had a big            role to play in the up-bringing of Babruvahana.
3) Subhadra - the sister of Krishna  - Abhimanyu was born of this union. 

Shown above is the painting of Arjuna and Subhadra by Raja Ravi Varma. Arjuna was disguised as an ascetic when they met.


Jaya said...

Hello Swapna, just found ur thru June's Cen's loft blog.... its great to see that u have a blog dedicated to ancient history... i will be following ur blog from now on

Cruiselife & Co said...

I am loving this topic. Right up my alley and I think you know why. Keep it up, it looks great.